Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Making Pasta

A few weekends ago it wouldn't stop raining so I decided it was time for another cooking adventure. This time I made pasta because I love home made pasta. I seem to be into carbs lately. :) The only special ingredient I used was semolina flour. I love my blue measuring cups!
I think that traditionally pasta is made by putting eggs in a crater of flour on the counter. I tried it in a bowl because I was nervous. It wasn't as hard as I thought though so maybe next time I'll try the other way.
I also added a little olive oil and mixed it all together. It was fun to see it come together! Since I don't have a food processor I had to knead it by hand for about 10 minutes. My arms were really tired the next day! hahaAfter I let it sit for awhile I rolled out the dough. It was really elastic! I'm not sure if it's supposed to be or not but it seemed okay. Then I rolled it up and cut slices to make fettuccine. I realized that it's better to roll it up loosely so the noodles are easier to unroll. I unrolled them all except a few because I was lazy and I wanted to see if they would unroll themselves while they cooked. They didn't, but they tasted good rolled up too, just thicker. Some of my noodles came out like zig-zags. Then I boiled the noodles. I forgot how much fresh pasta grows! I ended up with some giant noodles. hahaThen I added some sauce and parmesan and we were ready to eat.... at 10. Oops! I didn't realize how long it would take. It was super delicious! I just love the texture and the flavor. Looking at these pictures makes me want to eat it again. :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME! :)

I had a super fun birthday celebration at Mom's house this weekend. Everyone gave me really cool presents, including this beautiful afghan made by Sarah and Mom! We ate enchiladas and Grandma Estelle's chocolate cake!
We even had mini sparklers! So cool :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Baking Challah

Last week I decided I needed a new project, so I made Challah! It was my first time baking bread and it was really fun! I used the recipe in this article from the New York Times. I wished I had a family recipe, but I did have family dishes! The bowl was Susie's and the spoon was Grandma's. :) Next time I'll have to ask for the recipe.
The recipe says to let the dough rise 3 times: once after everything is mixed together, once after you punch it down, and once after it's braided. I didn't really know how to punch the dough so I looked it up on Youtube, but I'm still not sure if I did it right because it didn't seem to get much smaller. After the dough rose again I started the fun part, the braiding!

I learned how to do a 6 strand braid on Youtube too. I watched this video maybe 7 times, including once mid-braid. It can get confusing!

It was really fun to braid the bread. I even impressed myself with how it looked when I was done! haha.

Then I made a round raisin version, which is usually made for Rosh Hashana, I learned. I guess I was a little late. Here it is with egg wash #1:

Then I let them rise again. I couldn't believe how huge they got this time! It was so exciting. :)

After I gave them egg wash #2 I baked the stick shaped loaf. But....Oops. I forgot to pay attention and baked it too long. I think I have a hot oven. The round raisin version came out much better. I love cooked raisins, don't you? This took a long time, but it was really fun and definitely worth it. I want to make it again and maybe other kinds of bread too! Have you ever made challah? Do you have any tips or recipe recommendations? Thanks!