Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Food From Peru!

As you know, Rafael and his family went to Peru in January. I think they had a great time. Here is Raf at Machu Picchu. Can you believe there are llamas walking around? I was so surprised!
They visited lots of family members including Rafael's Great Aunt Victoria and a sweet little one. :)
Rafael brought back beautiful decorations and lots of delicious food including tamales made by Aunt Victoria! They were super delicious. I couldn't believe I got to eat homemade food from Peru! Have you ever had tamales? I love them. The Peruvian kind have meat, eggs, and olives.


Sarah said...

Cool post! So interesting and exciting. You should try making your own tamales now.

JudyBop said...

I love that picture of Raf with the llama. haha - let me know when you make tamales!

Catpad said...

=) cool

Susan said...

Machu Picchu looks so cool. I'd like to visit there - especially any place where llamas hang around.

I want to learn to make tamales also.

Rina said...

I think that peruvian food are the best in the world, it´s so intense and tasty...Loved this post
Take care

mina said...

I tried tamales for the first time in Guatemala and I loved them.

Looking forward to trying the Peruvian version when I someday visit Machu Picchu - thanks for the tip!