Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sad Day/Cozy Outfit

Yesterday was a very sad day at work. Six people were laid off or transferred to other divisions including everyone else who worked for my boss and my friend Katie. It was really sad saying goodbye and I'm going to miss them all very much. I put this outfit on before I knew what was going to happen, but it did make me feel a little better during the day. I think that if I like my outfit it always makes my day a little better.
My cozy sweatshirt (jcrew) is fuzzy inside and I love my lavender scarf (h&m). I like my new dark jeans (express) too, they're very comfortable. I love my skull and butterfly sneakers too. I forgot I had them for awhile. I love wearing cute sneakers. I think I'm going to wear these all weekend. :)
Raf and I ate comfort food at Bukowski in Inman Square last night. The macaroni and cheese was delicious. I had too many margaritas... ugh. I hope everyone from work who had to leave will find new things to do that they're excited about. I hope I'll be able to stay, but I really don't know. :(

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know, your day was so sad. I'm glad you had some comfort food.