Thursday, November 6, 2008

Snacks and Clips

This is one of my favorite after work snacks: sea salt pita chips from Whole Foods and hot pepper jelly. So much flavor -- hot, sweet, and salty! I loooove hot pepper jelly. :)I don't have any bag clips so I started using binder clips to keep things closed. I realized I like them much better! As many of you probably know, I LOVE office supplies. I was so excited when I thought of using these cool clips Sarah gave me in the kitchen.

I need to find more cool office supplies. :)


Rafael said...

i like pita chips ;)

Sarah said...

You could call it clips and dip. Or pita and salsita. Except it's pepper jelly, not salsa.

Susan said...

They just opened a Whole Foods in Wellington! There were so many people at the grand opening - I went there for lunch and to check out the flowers.