Monday, November 10, 2008

Snowflake Dress

I had so much fun wearing my new snowflake dress today. It was cozy and comfortable. I need more outfits like this! Here is me this morning before work:And when I got home tonight!
And here is a variation I wore to make my commute a little warmer (don't worry I wore a jacket too). It's a little matchy matchy, but I liked it.
I wore my snowflake dress (charlotte russe), black turtleneck (target), black tights (express), bossy sneaks (forever 21), black cardigan (old navy), and white scarf.


Sarah said...

So cute! I don't think it's too matchy matchy. Michael Kors would approve. (ha ha) I agree that you should get more dresses like that.

Anonymous said...

HaHa - so cute. I like that dress and the shiny shoes.

Susan said...

You look so cute. I like the scarf with it.