Friday, March 6, 2009

Isle of Hope

Rafael and I drove around the Isle of Hope which is a community near Savannah on the water. As you probably could have guessed, I loved it!It was beautiful and looked unlike any place I've ever been, but the calm atmosphere reminded me a little of where my grandparents live in New York. Plus, the live oaks could have been willows! :)
Of course, there's no palm trees in New York (I don't think so at least).Some of the houses we big and some were small but none of them seemed new and they were all really cool! The architecture was totally different than here, the houses even seemed sort of friendly! Maybe it was just all the flowers and green though.... I think I'm sick of winter. :)


Sarah said...

It would be so cool to live in a place like that. I think the trees make everything look kind of mysterious, but not in a scary way.

JudyBop said...

beautiful, beautiful - seeing these pictures really makes we want to see everything!